(OBLIGACIÓN DE ASISTIR A LA MISA DEL DOMINGO RESTAURADA EL 1 DE OCTUBRE) Bishop Cahill has recently announced that his dispensation from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass will expire on October 1st. Please click the heading for more information. El obispo Cahill ha anunciado recientemente que su dispensa de la obligación de asistir a la misa dominical expirará el 1 de octubre. Haga clic en el título para obtener más información.
We are holding CCD registration right outside the parish office over the next several days. Please click the picture or the headline for full information, including links to the registration forms. Llevaremos a cabo el registro de CCD justo afuera de la oficina parroquial durante los próximos días. Haga clic en la imagen o en el título para obtener información completa, incluidos los enlaces a los formularios de registro.
We have rescheduled CCD registration. It will NOT be held this week as announced at Mass and in the bulletin. CCD registration will take place NEXT WEEK Wednesday, September 9th from 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the church office. More information about this year’s CCD program will be announced by this weekend. We appreciate everyone’s flexibility as we work to finalize the details of this year’s program.
In consideration of the public health concerns caused by the spread of COVID-19, Bishop Cahill dispensed the faithful of the Diocese of Victoria from the obligation to physically attend Sunday Mass through August 31. Last week, Bishop Cahill extended this dispensation through September 30, 2020. Click the headline to read his full statement.