Bishop Cahill has extended the dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass through August 31st. Furthermore, he asks each parish to continue being vigilant about controlling the spread of COVID-19. He addresses the parishioners and states that if a parish priest wants to require a face mask to attend Mass, then he will honor that decision. Everyone is strongly urged to wear a mask for protection. Let us all do what we can to stop the spread of the virus, while keeping our dependence on God and His divine providence. Let us love one another as Christ loves us and let us keep each other in prayer.
Due to the increasing number of COVID-19 cases in the Victoria, Port Lavaca, and surrounding hospitals, Father Felix Twumasi has been appointed the temporary hospital chaplain for the Victoria Deanery. He will begin his service, effective Wednesday, July 22, as the diocesan sacramental minister for those hospitalized and suffering from COVID-19. We are grateful for Father Felix’s willingness to serve in this capacity and to minister to God’s people who are ill and suffering from this virus. He will reside at Holy Family Catholic Church rectory in Victoria, for the duration of his service in this capacity. If need arises for a COVID-19 patient to be anointed, in a hospital other than in Victoria or Port Lavaca, Father Felix will be available to celebrate the anointing, should a pastor have a preexisting health condition or is at an age when he believes he should not engage in such pastoral situations.
GOOD NEWS: Our refurbished pews are BACK, and getting installed in the church starting this week (July 20th). BAD NEWS: We cannot use the church for Mass until August 1st. Daily Masses will be held in the Family Life Center meeting room, and weekend Mass for 7/25-7/26 will be held in the School Gymnasium. The capacity for Mass in the FLC is only 18 attendees, while the gym can accommodate 120 attendees. Please check this page or our Facebook page for updates as installation progresses.