Our Bishop has issued guidelines to our parishes outlining steps to be taken in order to re-open our churches. St. Rose of Lima is working on reviewing these guidelines and developing plans for us to safely worship together again. Please be advised that there will be NO changes to our current practices for this coming weekend. We hope to implement the new guidelines as early as the weekend of May 9th-10th.
Attention St. Rose parishioners: Our new website gives us a place to upload our bulletins for those times when you forget to pick one up, when you attend Mass elsewhere, or like now, when we can’t attend Mass at all. Make sure you check out this week's bulletin for an update on our church remodeling! Click the picture for more information.
St. Rose of Lima parish wishes you all the joy of Easter this day and always. If you use Facebook, please find our post for today and, if you wish, add your family picture to the comments, so we can be together virtually this weekend, since we cannot worship together in person. "Christ indeed from death is risen, our new life obtaining. Have mercy, victor King, ever reigning! Amen. Alleluia." - Sequence Victimae Paschali Laudes
Jesus is risen!! Join the Church in celebrating the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ by virtually attending Mass on Easter Sunday. 8 a.m. - Livestream from God's Embrace Ministries on Facebook with Rev. Tim Kosler 9 a.m. - Livestream from Our Lady of Victory Cathedral with Bishop Brendan Cahill OR on television-Victoria Channel 25 KAVU-TV. Please click the picture for more information, including direct links.
Today, we wait. Tonight, we celebrate the passion and resurrection of Jesus. The Easter Vigil is a beautiful liturgy, full of symbols, rites, and readings that trace God's plan of salvation back to the very beginning. Please plan to join the Church in this most solemn tradition. Please click the picture for liturgy options.
Many Catholics have a tradition of praying the Stations of the Cross at their church on Good Friday. Since we cannot attend services at church this year, consider making the Way of the Cross at your own home, by praying on your own, or by watching something online. For some options, please click the picture.
Today is Good Friday, the only day of the year on which Mass is not celebrated. The liturgy consists of the reading of Jesus' Passion, praying the general intercessions, veneration of the cross, and a communion service. Please join in the Good Friday liturgy livestream from the God's Embrace Ministries Facebook page at 2:00 with Rev. Felix Twumasi. (Click the picture to go to the page.)
This evening we reach the summit of the liturgical year – the Easter Triduum, which lasts from the evening of Holy Thursday to the evening of Easter Sunday. If you have not already made plans for participating virtually in Triduum services, please consider doing so. A couple of local options are provided here. Please click on the picture for more info.
Holy Week is the high point of the Catholic liturgical year, a time for us to remember the passion, death, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Although our St. Rose parish community will not be able to pray together in person this year, we are all invited to worship virtually with each other through services that will be live-streamed from the God’s Embrace chapel with Fr. Tim and Fr. Felix. Click the picture for more info.
The Diocese of Victoria has suspended Masses with a congregation and other gatherings through April 30th, as recommended by government and health officials. First Communion has been postponed; a date will be set sometime in the future. God’s Embrace Ministries in High Hill will be livestreaming Holy Week Services celebrated by Fr. Tim and Fr. Felix. Alternatively, you can watch Holy Week Services with Bishop Cahill, livestreamed from the Cathedral of Our Lady of Victory; there are also many other services available online and on television. Click the picture for more info...